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                上▓市公司品牌战略 & 品牌设计

                所在位置: 首页 > 新闻 > 呼和浩特logo设计公司 > 饼干包装设计_呼和浩特logo设计公司分享饼干包装设计理念



                饼干包装设计的设计目的在于代表@ 企业或品牌的形象,良好的饼干包装设计建∏立起品牌和客户之◆间的联系:



                Everyone likes a good night’s sleep. Having the right mattress is of course important, but so too is the bedding. There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep under bedding that’s rough or uncomfortable against your skin, or bedding that makes you feel hot and sweaty.

                Thankfully, the Bedeck 1951 bedding is most definitely not like these scenarios. In fact, it is super luxurious, soft, comfortable and a dream to sleep under.

                Bedeck specialise in luxury bedding and bathroom products and has a 64-year history in the UK. Their 1951 collection of six designs, launched for AW15, is infused with global influences. The Kaveri bedding provides a nod to the orient, with its Asian style design.

                The duvet cover and pillowcases are made from a linen mix jacquard, with a satin-like feel. The all-over jacquard pattern is lovely and the neutral cream tones provide a sense of warmth.

                The bedding is 180 thread count, which is why it feels so soft to the touch. The front of the duvet cover is made from a mix of 54% polyester, 21% viscose and 25% linen, whilst on the reverse (the side you’ll be sleeping against) it’s 100% cotton.

                As you can see, the design is very effective and eye-catching. It’s packed with detail, but the subtle colours stop it from being over-powering.

                Everything in the range coordinates beautifully.

                We love the way the Kaveri cushion coordinates so well, even though the design is different. It’s great that it brings a bit more colour into the mix too, especially with its metallic effect.

                There’s a throw available too, in the form of a gorgeously soft Spice knit throw – perfect for draping over the end of your bed to ‘dress’ it, or to use as an extra layer on a cold night.

                If the colours of the cushion and throw aren’t quite your cup of tea, you could easily opt for other items from the 1951 collection instead.

                The Kaveri bedding is available in a full range of bed sizes, from single and double, to king and super-king size. Pillows are sold separately, but this does enable you to choose whether you’d prefer the Oxford design or Housewife pillows…or perhaps both to cover all bases!

                Luxury bedding can be a bit of an investment and, when you’re spending more than you normally would, it’s good to know that it will last and wash well. We’ve put the Kaveri bedding to the test on that front too and put it through a wash.

                We’re pleased to report that it came out very well. Somehow the creases seemed to drop out well without the need for ironing (most definitely a bonus!) and none of the softness or comfort was lost after washing it. It’s still a dream to sleep under and looks just as good as it did when it first went on.

                As you’d expect with a luxury bedding range, normally the prices tend to be higher than standard bedding options, but the quality difference shines through.

                If you’re tempted to invest in new bedding from Bedeck, now is the perfect time to do so, as the winter sale is on. ?There’s currently 40% off the Bedeck 1951 Kaveri bedding, which is a great saving on the usual prices.

                A double duvet cover is now £66 (was £110), a king size is £78 (was £130).

                The Housewife pillowcases are reduced to £9.60 (was £16) and the Oxford pillowcase is now £13.20 (was £22).

                The Kaveri cushion is now priced at £30 (was £50) and the large spice knit throw is now £90 (was £150).

                (Disclaimer: We were sent the bedding to review, but all views and opinions are our own).




                一套完整的饼干包装设计能提◥高企业的市场竞争力,饼干包装设计能帮助企业更好地把握品牌形象的发展,使人们能够正确、快速地对企业◢产生良好的印象。饼干包装设计是企业的品牌战略,是企业的ζ无形资产。如♂果您有更多的观点,请联系上海vi设计公司 。
                声明:本文“ 饼干包装设计_呼和浩特logo设计公司分享饼干包装设计理念 ”信息内容来源于网络,文章版权和文责属于原作●者,不代表本站立∞场。如图文有侵权、虚假或错☉误信息,请您※联系我们,我们将立即删除或更正。
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